

E.E.O. — Public File
Covering the Period from April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020

Glasgow, KY
See FCC Public Files at the links below.


E.E.O. Public Service announcements ran on WHHT-FM and WCDS-AM during April 2019 through March 2020. These are announcements intended to reach organizations or job seekers, informing them of employment opportunities or to contact us if they would like to receive job vacancy notices. They also announce to the public that we are an equal opportunity employer.
Continued partnership with Barren County high School Broadcasting Club (founded by Commonwealth Broadcasting.)
Spoke to Barren County High School Broadcasting Club student membership about opportunities and careers in broadcasting.
Tours were conducted of our broadcasting studios and offices by students from Barren County High School Broadcasting Club who were interested in careers in radio broadcasting.
Accepted a student intern for several weeks from Barren County High School’s Broadcasting Club who worked at the radio station learning the many facets of a radio broadcasting career from sale to production to office duties.
Tours of our broadcasting studios and offices by Red Cross Elementary, Eastern Elementary, and South Green Elementary schools, speaking to them about the different careers available in radio broadcasting.
Gave tours of our studios to students in the Leader in Me Program with whom we are partnered at North Jackson Elementary.
Partnered with Hart County High School Agriculture Department for tours of the studios, allowing them time on the air to promote the Ag Community while showing them the opportunities available in radio broadcasting.
Partnered with Barren County High School Agriculture Department for tours of the studios, allowing the time on the air to promote the Ag Community and showing them the opportunities available in radio broadcasting.
April 2019 through May 2019 — Greg Bowen, Sales Manager, visited Barren County Trojan Academy each Friday morning to discuss radio broadcasting careers.
May 2019 — Derron Steenbergen was keynote speaker at Western Kentucky University’s annual etiquette dinner of graduating seniors.
July 2019 — Dale Thornhill and Derron Steenbergen spoke to a group of Western Kentucky University students on behalf of the KBA WKU Radio Talent Institute about the opportunities on careers in broadcasting at all Commonwealth Broadcasting locations.
Community Partnership co-op/Intern Program at the South Central Kentucky Community and Technical College, consistently accepting student interns who are interested in radio.
Operated and exhibit at the Southern Kentucky EXPO where employment information was distributed to those persons interested in radio-related careers in August 2019.
August 2019 — Derron Steenbergen spoke at the annual career Expo in Glasgow.
March 2020 — Derron Steenbergen spoke to the Barren County High School graduating class regarding career readiness and opportunities in broadcasting.
September 2018 through March 2019 — Greg Bowen visited Barren County Trojan Academy, where he described various career opportunities in radio broadcasting and the educational needs for those positions.
October 2019 and February 2020 — Greg Bowen attended career fairs at Campbellsville University in Campbellsville, Kentucky, and discussed the specific qualities required to be an employee of Commonwealth Broadcasting as well as an overview of radio broadcasting and marketing’s general educational requirements.
October 2019 — Derron Steenbergen spoke to broadcasting and marketing classes at Western Kentucky University about opportunities and careers in radio broadcasting offered by Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation.

E.E.O Report – Public File
Covering the Period from April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020

Glasgow, KY

FULL-TIME JOBS FILLED (Vacancy List) — No New Hires in Reporting Period